Identify and address drivers of Burnout

in the workplace

Directly address workplace burnout by uncovering its root causes. Identify specific stress factors affecting your team and craft tailored strategies to reduce them.

Find out how

Why prevent Burnout matters

Reputation Risk
80% of job seekers avoid high-burnout companies. Greater focus and engagement boost output and work quality by up to 22%.
Enhance company reputation
Low burnout rates draws top talent and positive recognition that can result in 57% higher application rates.
Improve retention rate
Supportive work culture significantly enhances employee loyalty and retention that can lead to a 59% reduction in employee turnover.

Act early: Pulse your workplace with our diagnostic tools

Leverage insights from the Maslach Burnout Inventory to detect early signs of burnout. Our tool helps you understand and address workplace stressors before they impact your team.
Emotional exhaustion
Employees feel drained and overwhelmed by work, leading to a lack of energy, motivation and enthusiasm.
A cynical attitude towards work and colleagues results in negative interactions and reduced job satisfaction.
Reduced accomplishment
Employees see themselves as ineffective and unproductive, leading to lowering self-esteem and motivation.

Transform your workplace with science-based Burnout Assessment

Check where your company stands on the burnout scale to ensure a thriving workplace culture and performance. By using a blend of advanced psychological measurement methods, hidden issues are uncovered, and clear, actionable insights are provided, enhancing reliability and minimising bias.

Uncover hidden concerns with
Implicit Testing
Measuring the subconscious response time needed for employees to respond to stimuli can reveal areas of hidden concern regarding burnout.
Gain reliable insights with
Employee Surveys
Using well-established Likert scale questions to gather conscious attitudes and self-reported data, standardised psychological questionnaires provide reliable and valid insights into employees’ levels of emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation, and personal accomplishment.
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Unlock powerful insights that matter for your workplace

Tailor strategies and actions for specific groups
Detailed results by demographics can help you create targeted strategies and actions for different employee groups. Customise your approach to address unique needs and enhance overall well-being.
Analyse data distribution to pinpoint improvement opportunitie
Examine how the outcome of the burnout assessment is distributed across various drivers in your workplace to identify key areas for improvement.
Compare conscious and unconscious results to find inconsistencies
Compare results from both conscious responses and subconscious reactions to uncover inconsistencies. This dual approach ensures you receive more reliable and comprehensive insights into your team's burnout levels.

People are loving to

usе our software

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Margarita Gacina

HR specialist at Sava Insurance

Culturetec has been a turnover game-changer. By assessing and showing care for our people, especially in sales department, we've significantly reduced turnover. The platform's insights and customization have been invaluable.

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Aleksandra Veleva

CPO at

Culturetec was instrumental for our journey, especially during the hybrid work mode. It helped us detect motivation gaps and address them effectively. The platform's insights have made a significant impact on boosting our team's motivation and performance.

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Leslie Alexander

Product Designer

This is really awesome. M any small over the businessmen are suffering from this service in different platform and the lovers are way always looking this kind of feature on their own website.

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Esther Howard

Product Designer

This is really awesome. M any small over the businessmen are suffering from this service in different platform and the lovers are way always looking this kind of feature on their own website.

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Ready to increase employee motivation and create a culture of belonging?
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