Frequently asked questions

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What does free survey mean?


Try out our tools for 20 of your closest employees free of charge! You'll get overview of the creation flow, which results you can see and which insights you can get.

How much time do I need to set up my first survey?


You can set up your survey in under 5 minutes if you have your participants list ready, with populated demographies for everyone. Otherwise the system will guide you to populate everything

What do I get additionally from classic survey with this words categorizations?


You get responses from the intuitive part of the brain that is hard to control and is highly truthful. In the results, this serves as a way to detect places where your participants are not honest and you should have that in mind while working on your action plans.

How will I get my report?


The reports generates itself in special tab in the application. There are 5 different views that make comparison that will help you understand your feedback, detect areas for improvement and get reliable input for your action plans.

How do I know my employees understood what they had to do?


Each participant will receive unique link on their email address. The process is explained in every step, there are information screens that help the users to be aware what they are expected to do and how to do it.

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